Periodontal Surgery - McKinney, TX

Periodontal Surgery

Pixel Dental is proud to offer periodontal surgery for patients who suffer from gum disease. Periodontal surgery is an effective way to treat gum disease and improve oral health. It is a procedure that helps to protect the gums from further damage caused by periodontitis, also known as gum disease. The dentist removes infected tissue during the procedure and may also reshape or recontour the gum line around your teeth to prevent further harm. The process can treat infections, reduce tooth movement, and make them look more aesthetically pleasing.

Gum Disease Treatment Made Easy With Periodontal Surgery

At Pixel Dental in McKinney, our experienced dentists use advanced techniques to ensure a comfortable and successful periodontal surgery procedure. We will examine your gums and teeth thoroughly before making any changes during treatment. We pay special attention to areas affected by bacteria buildup or where tartar has accumulated so we can remove it safely. After removing any infected tissue, we will close the incision with dissolvable sutures so that you can fully recover from the procedure quickly and safely.

Contact Our Dental Experts Today!

Our dentists at Pixel Dental tend to believe that if you have severe gum disease, it's vital to get periodontal surgery done. With the help of advanced technology and provisions, we strive to improve your oral health conditions like a pro! You can get hassle-free periodontal treatment procedures at our dental office in McKinney. We have dental experts at your service to look after your major oral hygiene concerns. At Pixel Dental in McKinney, we understand how intimidating periodontal surgery may seem, but rest assured that our caring team of professionals is committed to making sure your experience is positive! If you have any questions about what you can expect from the treatment, feel free to reach out – we look forward to hearing from you soon!


It usually takes one or two weeks to recover from periodontal surgery.