Treatment for Implant Failure - McKinney, TX

Treatment for Implant Failure

At Pixel Dental, we understand that dental implant failure is a genuine concern for many patients. We want to ensure our patients have the best care and service when addressing implant failures. That's why our team of experienced dentists is here to provide comprehensive and professional treatment for implant failure in McKinney. When it comes to dental implants, there are a few common reasons for failure. This can include incorrect placement, inadequate bone support, poor hygiene, or infection. Unfortunately, these issues can result in the implant being rejected by your body without proper care from a qualified dentist.

Correct Dental Implant Failure

At Pixel Dental, we specialize in providing comprehensive treatments for dental implant failure here in McKinney. Our approach starts with examining your mouth and detailed imaging (such as X-rays) to determine if any damage has occurred at the implant site. We will then discuss various treatment options based on your individual needs and goals with you. We understand how important it is to treat dental implants correctly. So no matter what treatment plan is needed, we will work hard to ensure you get back on track quickly and comfortably with lasting results. It helps to improve your quality of life through improved oral health function and aesthetics! If you have any questions about treatment for dental implant failure and how we can help here at Pixel Dental, please don't hesitate to contact us today!

Treatment Option For Dental Implant Failure

The treatments may include antibiotic therapy if the infection has occurred. This also contains anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen if inflammation is present near the implant site or adjusting the dental implant placement if necessary. In some cases, surgery may be required to address any underlying issues contributing to dental implant failure. But rest assured, our team will discuss all possibilities with you beforehand. It will help you decide what's best for you and your oral health care needs.


The most common reason for implant failure is an infection in the jawbone around dental implants.